The Vert Web Design Dictionary

If you're looking to hire a web design company, look through these terms so you won't get confused by web design jargon. If you're a web designer, refer prospects here so they'll be able to communicate with you better. This post won't cover every web related term - only the bare minimum to get designer and client on the same page.

Web Design Terms

AccessibilityThe practice of coding websites to be useful for people with physical impairments and older browsers. Back-endOpposite of Front-end. The back-end of a website is where server-side programming takes place. Common tasks performed on the back-end include shopping carts, user account logins, validation, and registration. BrowserSoftware that interprets HTML and server messages, allowing the user to view a website. Common browsers include Google Chrome, FireFox, and Safari. Some people consider Internet Explorer a browser. We don't. Client-side ProgrammingOpposite of Server-side Programming. Client side programming involves giving the client (usually a browser) instructions on storing, retrieving, and outputting data. Animations and effects can be achieved using client-side programming languages such as JavaScript ConversionA visitor is said to convert when they engage in a predetermined action that relates to a primary or secondary objective of the website. Common examples of conversions are purchases, subscriptions to RSS feeds, Retweets, twitter follows, Facebook likes, quote requests, etc. Conversion RateA percentage of visitors that convert. If 1 in 20 visitors convert, the website has a conversion rate of 5%. CSSA client-side language that is used to layout a website in the browser. DatabaseA structure used to store potentially large amounts of data. A server-side programming language is required to display information from a database onto a web page. Domain NameA virtual address for a website. Example domains include:
Front-endThe front end of a website is where Client-side programming takes place. Creating the front-end of a website usually consists of slicing a PSD, coding with HTML and CSS, and touching up with some JavaScript. HTMLHyper Text Markup Language. It's the core language that enables browsers to interpret text, images, audio, video, everything you see in a browser. HostingStoring files on a server. Hosts charge for the electricity needed to keep servers running 24/7, and the cost of storage itself. JavaScriptA client-side programming language responsible for many neat effects that take place in the browser. Two common uses of JavaScript are animation and validation. More importantly, JavaScript is the fuel for many web application interfaces, such as Gmail and Remember The Milk. Mock-upAn image preview of a website. You can not interact with mock-ups like you can a normal website, simply because they are just static images that indicate the direction of the design. PSDPhoto Shop Document. Photo Shop is software used by many designers to create mock-ups of websites along with other illustrations. ROIReturn On Investment. The total amount of money your investment has earned you minus the cost of the investment. ServerNot to be confused with one who brings you food at Chilis. A server is a just a computer that stores and delivers data to other computers. When your website is being stored on a server, it is said to be "hosted" on that server. Server-side ProgrammingOpposite of Client-side Programming. Server side programming involves directly communicating with the server in order to store, retrieve, or output data. SliceTo code a web page to resemble a PSD using Client-side languages including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. ValidationInvolves using client-side and server-side programming languages to make sure data received from a contact form is accurate. Serves as an effective method for decreasing spam. WordpressA popular blogging platform that is extremely user friendly. January 12, 2011
About the Author:

Joseph is the lead developer of Vert Studios Follow Joseph on Twitter: @Joe_Query
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