Your website is your company's first impression.
Together, we can make it a lasting one.

What we're up to
Virgina Clark CPA came to Vert Studios with a need to update her look and broaden her audience.
We built a top of the line website featuring a fluid layout, providing a perfectly tailored experience to both desktop and mobile visitors.
Our web design expertise is acknowledged not only by our clients, but by our peers in the industry. recently featured lead developer Joseph McCullough's introduction to Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript.
David C. Scarborough, East Texas' most experienced landscape architect approached us with the need for an earthy but professional website to showcase his work.
By pulling colors and textures from the sun soaked pine forests of East Texas, we created a site that cements David's standing as East Texas' leading landscape architect.
What We Do

First impressions mean everything. These days, your website is the number one place people go to find out more about you and your company.
Your homepage is more than just a virtual business card - it represents who you are and what you stand for.
Vert Studios will help you develop quality, eye-catching websites that will place your company at the top of any business list and first on customers' minds.
With Vert Studios, a handshake to reaching new business is only a mouse-click away.
What Now?
Knowledge is power. Learning how the web design industry works is the first step in protecting your investment.
From the Blog:
[Screencast] C: malloc and functions returning pointers - 07/25/2012
Explanation and examples of using the malloc function. Also, how to create/use functions...
[Screencast] Beginner's Introduction to Pointers in C - 07/18/2012
An easy, accessible introduction to using pointers in C.
Lock TwitchTV in Landscape Mode on your iPhone - 07/15/2012
Step by step guide on how to lock your iPhone in Landscope mode when watching TwitchTV.
How to Read a Programming Tutorial - 07/13/2012
Recommended steps to get the most out of a programming tutorial.
Resize a Visual selection block to 80 width in VIM - 07/13/2012
How to resize a visual block of text in VIM to have all lines of that block be 80 width.
Structures in C Tutorial: The Basics - 07/10/2012
A brief introduction to using Structures in C. Covers assignments, passing to function...
Converting a simple website to Python Flask - 07/09/2012
Documenting first impressions converting a simple PHP/Wordpress site to Python Flask.
Markdown to PDF Utility - 05/03/2012
I needed to get a Markdown document in PDF format. Unable to find a good solution, I set...
Ubuntu Screencast Software for 11.04+ - 04/25/2012
I browsed Google for quite a while before I finally found a good product for recording...
VI Keybindings in your Shell - 04/25/2012
There was once a very sad point in my development career where if I made a typo earlier...