Lock TwitchTV in Landscape Mode on your iPhone
One of the most annoying aspects of iOS is the lack of a straightforward way to lock your iPhone in Landscape mode. Portrait mode lock works just fine, but if you're like me and enjoy watching TwitchTV in bed, Portrait mode isn't that great for watching your favorite streams. If you attempt to watch streams without a lock of some form, though, you'll find your screen constantly switching orientations.
However, landscape lock does exist, it just takes a bit of work to activate!
Step by Step Guide
Open the Settings application. Scroll down and Press General
. Next, scroll
down and press Accessibility
Scroll down again until you see the AssitiveTouch
and Triple-click Home
options. Set AssitiveTouch
to ON and Triple-click Home
The AssitiveTouch icon should pop up on your screen. If you don't see it, press the Home button on the bottom of your iPhone three times in quick succession. After about five seconds, the icon should appear. Pressing the Home button three times like this toggles the AssitiveTouch icon.
Next, lock your iPhone orientation in Portrait mode.
Now open up the TwitchTV app, and pull up your favorite stream. Press the AssitiveTouch icon. A menu will pop up with the labels "Gestures", "Favorites", "Device", and "Home". Press Device.
Another menu will come up. Choose Rotate Screen.
Finally, choose either Right or Left (Left to have the iPhone volume buttons on top).
Now TwitchTV is locked in Landscape mode! Press anywhere outside of the AssitiveTouch menu to minimize it, and feel free to toggle AssitiveTouch off until you need it again.
A few things to remember
You will need to repeat this procedure any time you leave the TwitchTV App.
You are able to drag the AssitiveTouch icon around on the screen.
For whatever reason, toggling AssitiveTouch can take a really long time. If AssitiveTouch fails to show up after triple-pressing the Home key, wait 10 seconds before trying again.