Saving States with

01/18/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Learn Social Media by Reliving your Teenage Years

That's right. If you ever went through that period of teenage angst in your life known as puberty and survived, you have the skills necessary to run a social media campaign. All you need to do is apply the lessons you learned in your teenage years to your marketing strategy.

01/17/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Great Content but No Links.

There exists a notion amongst the SEO community that if you produce great content, the traffic and links will come. You don't have to do anything bit sit in a text editor or illustrative tool and pound out the best content of your life. If it's unique, well written, and useful, you'll get the traffic and links you deserve.

01/16/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

IDE Friday: Using Regular Expressions in IDEs

Welcome to the first article in our IDE Friday series. Today, we'll be discussing the use of Regular Expressions in your IDE of choice. If you're unfamiliar with Regular Expressions, check out our tutorial series, beginning with the Introduction to Regular Expressions.

01/15/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Introduction to Logic: Part 3 : Useful Tautologies

Tautologies are extremely useful when it comes to crafting conditional statements in your programs. They can simplify and condense your logical statements by large amounts when implemented successfully.

01/13/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

The Vert Web Design Dictionary

If you're looking to hire a web design company, look through these terms so you won't get confused by web design jargon. If you're a web designer, refer prospects here so they'll be able to communicate with you better. This post won't cover every web related term - only the bare minimum to get designer and client on the same page.

01/12/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Double Squares Solution: Facebook Hacker Cup

Now that the qualification round of the Facebook Hacker Cup has ended, I figured I'd post my solution to the Double Squares problem. As this one involved some fun math, it was my favorite. I hope you all made it through!

01/12/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Vert 2.0, A Redesign Case Study Close to Home

Welcome to the new Vert Studios website. Justin and I have been working on the redesign since we merged back in July 2010. It's such a great feeling to know the world can finally see the product of your hard work. The project was dynamic, as our vision for Vert Studios changed quite frequently throughout the project. We'd like to share our thought process behind the redesign.

01/10/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

IDE Friday: A New Series from Vert Studios

We're excited to announce that starting next Friday, Vert Studios will begin the IDE Friday series. IDE Friday will offer reviews of various IDEs, along with specific tutorials for each. We'll venture into well known IDEs, as well as some development environments that have not yet hit mainstream.

01/08/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Back References, Quantifiers, and Anchors in RegEx

When you begin delving further into regular expressions, you find just how useful they are. The combination of back references, quantifiers, and anchors causes RegEx to be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.

01/07/2011 | Read the full article ⇒