Overcome Programming Apathy

06/21/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Physxcudart_20.dll Download

06/07/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Less.app for Windows (Sort of)

After recently purchasing my first Mac, I decided I wanted to sync my Mac and Windows workflow. The Less.app app for Mac is amazing for compiling your Less files the instant you save them. Unfortunately, there was no Less.app equivalent for Windows...until now!...sorta. (This may have already been done before, but I seriously couldn't find anything after an hour of Googling).

03/27/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Dear Smashing Magazine

According to Smashing Magazine, the sky is falling. Again. The web design community has heeled over, and is down for the count.

03/22/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Switch From Windows Command Prompt to Explorer

In your development workflow, you might find it more convenient to head back to the GUI interface of windows explorer while working from the command prompt. It's not uncommon for me to be 7 directories in from the root directory while working on a project. Thankfully, there are extremely simple ways to open your current command prompt directory in Windows Explorer, and vice versa.

03/21/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Test PHP Mail Function

When setting up your mail server, you may want to check your php mail function with a simple script.

03/22/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

What Is a Function

I believe all programmers and computer scientists should take the time to appreciate the foundations of mathematics. If you currently attend a university, I highly encourage you to take a foundations course. Learning math foundations expands your mind, and gives you a greater understanding of the concepts we programmers implement every single day. For those of you who do not have the ability or desire to invest in a foundations of mathematics course, but still appreciate the complexities and origins of our field of work, I will very briefly describe what a function really is.

03/23/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

3 Tips for Making Your Web Copy Kick-Ass

The text on your website, without question, will influence a visitor's decision to accept or ignore your message. Your message may be as simple as "this product will make you happy", or as complex as "this is why you should enable Apache's mod_rewrite." Regardless, conveying your message in a clear, appropriate, and motivating manner remains a critical component of satisfying visitor wants and needs. We'll show you three easy ways to elevate your web copy from mediocre to kick-ass.

03/25/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

Windows PHP Mail Server Installation Guide

Learn to to install and configure a local mail server to work with PHP, allowing you to use PHP's mail() function locally.

03/13/2011 | Read the full article ⇒

libmysql.dll 32 Bit Download

Download libmysql.dll (ZIP File) The only other site I could find that hosts this individual file had so many affiliate links, I couldn't find where to download. I ended up having to install MySQL 32 bit just to snag the dll. I think people would prefer a 1MB download to a 120MB download!

03/12/2011 | Read the full article ⇒