MySQL Error 0 Cannot Create Windows Service

This is the MySQL Error 0, which usually follows a windows notification that mysqld.exe has stopped working. After reading many forum posts, it appears that there is no definite answer as to how to solve the problem. However, I finally came across a method that worked for me, and hopefully it will work for you.

03/02/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

PEAR Installation Tutorial

Step by step tutorial for installing PEAR on a windows system with PLENTY of screen shots to help.

02/28/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Make a string lowercase/uppercase in C++

C++ Does not have string case manipulation built in to its standard library. For this reason, it's necessary to make your own upperCase and lowerCase functions. I'll show you how to do just that.

02/28/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

PHP and Apache Installation Tutorial

I have lost many hours of sleep because of not being able to set up PHP and Apache. I have missed homework deadlines, fallen asleep in class, accidentally eaten an onion, and much worse. Here is my attempt to help you guys sleep at night with a very quick and easy PHP and Apache installation guide.

02/21/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Convert Miles to Kilometers with JavaScript

Your summer surveying job requires you to study some maps that give distances in kilometers and some that use miles. You and your co-workers prefer to deal in metric measurements. Write a program that performs the necessary conversion, rounded to 2 decimal places.

02/07/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

jQuery in Action Review

06/03/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Free jQuery Cheat Sheet

Click to download this FREE jQuery Cheat Sheet (PDF) Click to download jQuery Cheat Sheet

05/24/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

What Car Dealers Can Teach us About Portfolio Pages

06/02/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

jQuery Sprite Slideshow

This is my first week messing around with jQuery, and I have already found it to be an extremely powerful tool. A common use for JavaScript/jQuery is the creation of slideshows, so I decided to create my own as well. This slideshow is modeled off the CSS Sprite Technique.

05/11/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Boolean Logic and MySQL Functions

Boolean Logic is an essential part of php when dealing with MySQL. If you do not understand boolean logic, a lot of the mysql functions may not make sense to you. Take the commonly used mysql_fetch_array function. It is commonly used with a while loop in this manner:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
//Do something with the record data
The condition for that while loop might not make sense if you haven't created your own boolean functions.

04/06/2010 | Read the full article ⇒