Top 5 SEO Resources for Tyler Texas Businesses

SEO is not magic, no matter how much some SEO scammers attempt to convince you otherwise. Search Engine Optimization is simply the implementation of the scientific method in relation to a search engine's algorithm: Hypothesize, experiment, analyze, conclude, and repeat until you find what the search engines like. However, unless you work as a full time SEO, you most likely don't have the time to experiment with on-site modifications and link building methods. In all honesty, one only needs very basic knowledge of search engine optimization techniques to rank above local Tyler competitors. Furthermore, knowing the basics of SEO prevents you from being scammed by shady SEO firms. To arm you with the basics of SEO, we've compiled a list of our 5 favorite SEO resources.

11/09/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Yelp Hurting Local Businesses with Incorrectly Associated Reviews

In order to inflate their numbers, Yelp does not remove the listings of companies that have been declared out of business. Why display the address, phone number, and reviews of a company that no longer exists? The only possible justification is to inflate the traffic statistics. Deleting a listing at all means a drop in traffic. Now multiply this by every single business that has gone under since Yelp's inception in 2004, and you're looking at a significant amount of traffic decrease. As described before, traffic directly relates to advertising revenue. It's understandable from an economic perspective as to why Yelp keeps these listings active. However, this approach is leading to an extremely negative consequence that Yelp does not seem to care about.

11/02/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Introduction to Logic: Part 1 : Negation, AND, and OR Statements

Decision making remains an integral portion of even the most simple web applications. In order to design a program that provides accurate information, it's imperative that we web developers provide the computer with accurate commands. In this series of tutorials entitled "Introduction to Logic", we will dissect logical operators and learn how to properly apply them to our programs. This tutorial will define the three most basic logical operators: Negation, Conjunction, and Disjunction.

11/01/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Vert Studios Web Design Bookshelf

10/28/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Silversoap Media Web Design Tutorial

Tired of your current job? Want to be a part of something new and cutting-edge? Look no further! After reading this simple step by step guide, you'll be able to set up your very own web design company.

10/28/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Facebook Clear Chat History Gone? SOLUTION!

Recently, Facebook has implemented some drastic changes to their chat interface. Among these changes includes the apparent removal of the clear chat history feature.

10/25/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

What a Website's Price Says About its Design

So you read our article on why you should hire a professional web designer and decided to examine the portfolios of local web designers. You call a few companies to get quotes, and the figures surprise you: The quotes range from $1,500 to $4,500 for the same project description! Why such a large difference? The answer lies in knowing exactly what a website's price says about its design.

10/23/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

Why You Should Hire Professional Web Designers

Due to the availability of information present on the web, many small business owners have decided to undertake the responsibility of creating a website for their business. On the surface, this approach makes sense to most business owners: Why hire professionals for $4,000 when you could read some tutorials yourself or buy a $20 template? While advocating the Do-It-Yourself approach to your business website seems like an efficient way to minimize cost and maximize revenue, poorly designed websites actually cost your company much more than professionally designed websites.

10/19/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

New Facebook Picture Chat : Facebook Thinks We're Idiots

Two similar but significant changes over the past week highlight the direction in which Facebook is moving when it comes to User Experience (how the user interacts with a web-based environment).


Facebook rolled out two separate changes to the extremely important chat interface. While some users simply log on Facebook and examine or comment other's profiles, many people's primary use of Facebook is its chat feature. Facebook chat consists of 3 main sections:
  • The sidebar friends list available on your "Home" page
  • The friends list always available on the bottom right portion of your screen
  • The chat box itself
Facebook has "Picturfied" the sidebar friends list and the chat box. Let's examine the changes in further detail.

10/17/2010 | Read the full article ⇒

FREE Presentation : Self Promotion for Starving Artists

10/04/2010 | Read the full article ⇒