There was once a very sad point in my development career where if I made a typo earlier in one of my bash statements, I would have to hold the left arrow to get my cursor over to the problem area and fix it. Then, one fateful day, I discovered VI keybindings in the shell!
04/25/2012 |
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Part two of the Introduction to Recursion series! In this video, we discuss the Factorial function and its recursive properties in depth.
04/16/2012 |
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I needed a simple jQuery plugin to let me sort table columns. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one that captured the simplicity I was looking for. I don't need 1000+ lines of code for a simple table sort!
04/13/2012 |
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So you know you should pretty much never hack directly on master when working with git. Instead, you should create branches and merge them later. Beyond best practices for their own sake, some github projects really want you creating pull requests from a certain branch.
Sometimes, however, I get in the zone and forget to checkout a branch because I want to get this feature DONE! In my haste, I commit to master directly. I don't want my pull request to be rejected just because I hacked on master.
04/12/2012 |
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If you're trying to pass a pointer to a structure to a function, you may be getting the compiler error request for member ‘SOME_PROPERTY’ in something not a structure or union. If you swear you're passing in a pointer to the proper structure, and you're certain, there are no typos for the member name you're trying to access, you may just be experiencing a bit of pointer ambiguity.
04/03/2012 |
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Part 1 of a multipart series covering the basics of recursion.
03/31/2012 |
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So you're reading through K&R's The C Programming Language, and you're on page 29 or so, section 1.9 entitled Character Arrays.
03/10/2012 |
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If you're having trouble getting dual monitors to work on the latest version of Kubuntu (Currently 11.10), this guide will attempt to save your sanity!
03/03/2012 |
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a mental break when working on software development. However, there's a small but significant difference between taking a break and randomly scouring the internet.
02/29/2012 |
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Over the past couple of years, Git has become the standard version control system among the Open Source community. As a consequence of Git hitting the mainstream, the number of Git novices is at an all time high. While there is absolutely no shame in being a novice, the following habits shared among many designers/junior developers should be kicked as soon as possible.
02/25/2012 |
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